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What are the Symptoms of a Bad Drive Shaft? Hear it from a Chicago Transmission Repair Shop

by | Sep 8, 2019 | Drive Shaft Repair | 0 comments

drive-shaft-repair-chicagoYour vehicle’s drive shaft is just one of the many components that it needs in order to run properly. Unfortunately, like those other components, it’s vulnerable to wear and tear. As such, you will likely have to repair it at some point during its use.

The question is: how can you tell when a drive shaft requires repair? Are there any signs that you should be looking out for? Take it from a Chicago transmission repair shop: the answer is “yes.”

Here are the most common symptoms of a bad drive shaft.

Banging Noises

Banging noises are quite common when a drive shaft goes bad. These noises arise due to the deterioration of the drive shaft’s U-joints, which is a set of components that connect the back axle to the gearbox.

If the U-joints are out of commission, the drive shaft is going to struggle mightily to perform its intended function. Failure to quickly replace broken U-joints can result in irreparable damage to your drive shaft, costing you substantial amounts of money in the long-run.

Therefore, if you hear banging noises coming from vehicle, it’s recommended that you take it into an auto repair shop as soon as possible.

Squeaking Noises

It’s not only banging noises that you should be cognizant of, but squeaking noises as well. Squeaking noises can be indicative of a number of problems, but when it comes to the drive shaft, they’re usually indicative of deteriorated U-joints.

Again, driving on deteriorated U-joints can cause irreparable damage to your drive shaft. In extreme cases, it can cause your vehicle to go out of control. Don’t wait for this to happen. For your own safety, you should bring the vehicle to a transmission repair shop and fix the problem as soon as possible.


Vibration is a natural aspect of each automobile’s operation. However, there’s a difference between the common vibration of an efficiently-running automobile and the excessive vibration of an automobile that’s experiencing a mechanical problem. Whereas the former is fairly difficult to detect, the latter will be difficult to ignore.

While a number of different problems can lead to excessive vibration in a vehicle, one of the most common causes is drive shaft damage. When it’s the drive shaft that’s impaired, vibration tends to show up underneath the driver’s seat, specifically.

However, regardless of where the vibration is coming from, you’d be wise to have your vehicle inspected by a Chicago transmission repair specialist. He or she will be able to find the source of the problem and can then take measures to correct it.

Issues with Turning

Perhaps the most obvious symptom of a bad drive shaft is turning difficulties. If you have to use great force every time you go to make a turn, your drive shaft could very well be impaired.

Make note, though, that a number of other problems can create turning difficulties as well. For instance, you could be low on power steering fluid, or you could have a broken serpentine belt.

Your best bet is to have your vehicle inspected by a professional. Regardless of what the problem is, a transmission repair specialist can get to the bottom of it and make the repairs necessary to fix it.

Looking for Drive Shaft Repair in Chicago?

Is your drive shaft displaying signs of impairment? Looking for drive shaft repair in Chicago? If so, we here at King Transmission are the people to see.

Over the years, our team has repaired numerous drive shafts throughout Chicago and its surrounding areas. Regardless of the make and model of your vehicle, we can repair your drive shaft as well.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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