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Four Signs That Your Transmission Needs an Inspection: Insights from a Transmission Repair Company in Addison, Illinois

by | Aug 24, 2024 | Transmission Repair | 0 comments

The transmission is one of the most important components in any automobile. It transfers engine power to the vehicle’s wheels, thereby enabling it to move. Should its performance start to falter, your vehicle’s overall performance will suffer as a result.

This is why it’s important to keep an eye on your transmission and react to changes promptly. Timely repairs can add years of life to your transmission, while also maintaining a standard level of efficiency.

That begs the question: how can you tell when your transmission needs to be inspected by a professional? This transmission repair company in Addison, Illinois is going to discuss the top four signs below.

1. Your Vehicle Stutters When Accelerating

One sign that you might need transmission repair help is that your vehicle stutters when accelerating. In other words, it starts moving, then stops suddenly, then moves violently forward as it kicks into a higher gear.

Why might a vehicle do this? It’s almost always due to a lack of lubrication in the transmission’s gear set (though direct transmission damage can also be the culprit). Transmission fluid loses lubrication over time as it burns up and becomes charred. This usually occurs between 60,000 and 100,000 miles of driving.

The fix? You should have your transmission fluid flushed and replaced by your local transmission repair company in Addison, Illinois.

2. Your Transmission Fluid Is Black

As noted above, transmission fluid burns up over time. Once it reaches a point of severe charring, it turns black and possesses a sludgy consistency. This is opposed to fresh transmission fluid, which is reddish-brown and possesses a syrupy consistency.

Put simply, black transmission fluid doesn’t lubricate a transmission properly. In fact, running a transmission with black and sludgy transmission fluid can end up causing a great deal of harm over time.

This is why it’s important to monitor your transmission fluid visually, and make changes as needed. The second you notice a black color, make the change.

3. Your Transmission Fluid Smells Burnt

Burnt transmission fluid doesn’t just appear black and sludgy. It also emits a burnt scent. This is why, if you smell a charred aroma wafting from your vehicle, you need to inspect your transmission closely.

Again, check your transmission fluid’s color. If it’s black, it needs to be flushed and replaced. For help with flushing your transmission fluid, you can always get in touch with a professional transmission repair company in Addison, Illinois.

4. Transmission Fluid Is Leaking from Your Vehicle

There’s no doubt about it: if transmission fluid is leaking from your vehicle, you’ll need to have it inspected. Transmission fluid should never be leaking out of your transmission. If it is, it’s because one of the transmission’s components is loose or damaged.

How do you detect transmission fluid? It possesses a reddish-brown appearance and has a syrupy consistency. If you notice such a fluid on your garage floor or frequent parking space, there’s almost certainly a problem with your transmission.

This isn’t a problem that the average vehicle owner can fix. It’s going to require extensive repair. The only option at this point is to bring your vehicle to a transmission repair company. They’ll be able to accurately assess your transmission and make all the required fixes.

Looking for a Transmission Repair Company in Addison, Illinois?

Is your vehicle’s transmission performing poorly? Looking to have it inspected by the most trusted transmission repair company in Addison, Illinois? If so, our experts at King Transmission Company are the people to see. Contact us today to discuss your situation.

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