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Wondering Whether It’s Time to Visit a Transmission Repair Shop in Des Plaines, Illinois? Here Are the Top Four Signs

by | Sep 9, 2023 | Transmission Repair | 0 comments

Transmissions are designed to thrive over hundreds of thousands of miles of use. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t encounter issues from time to time. They certainly can, and when these issues pop up, it’s recommended that you have them repaired as soon as possible.

The question is: how do you identify these issues in the first place? This transmission repair shop in Des Plaines, Illinois is going to review the top four signs to look out for below.

1. Is Your Transmission Fluid Burnt?

A sure sign that it’s time to visit a transmission repair shop is that your transmission fluid is burnt. In other words, it’s black and tarry as opposed to reddish-brown and syrupy.

This occurs due to overuse. The longer your transmission fluid remains in your vehicle, and the more miles your vehicle drives, the more your transmission fluid will burn. In most cases, it’s wise to change transmission fluid after every 60,000 or so miles.

That said, if your transmission fluid is black, you should change it immediately. Until you do, your transmission is going to suffer — it will experience a lack of lubrication that puts undue wear and tear on its gearset.

2. Are There Smoky Smells Coming from Your Transmission?

Another sign that it’s time for a transmission repair is that there are smoky smells coming from your transmission. In other words, your vehicle is giving off a burning smell from under the hood.

While this can stem from a variety of auto problems, it commonly comes from burnt transmission fluid. Again, transmission fluid burns up when it’s overused.

The solution? You can have your transmission flushed and filled with fresh fluid. Your local transmission repair shop in Des Plaines, Illinois will be happy to perform this service for you.

3. Does Your Vehicle Burst Forward When Accelerating?

After stopping at a stop sign, does your vehicle suddenly burst forward when pressing the gas pedal? If so, this is most likely due to a transmission problem. In particular, the gearset within the transmission isn’t receiving adequate lubrication. This is generally due to either low transmission fluid or burnt transmission fluid. Note, though, that mechanical damage can sometimes cause this problem as well.

Regardless, you’ll need to have your transmission checked out by a professional. They can assess the problem and recommend the proper solution, making sure your vehicle is operating at its maximum capacity once again.

4. Is There a Transmission Fluid Leak Under Your Vehicle?

A sure sign that your transmission needs to be repaired is that there’s a fluid leak under your vehicle. Transmission fluid is never meant to exit a transmission. If it has, it’s because the transmission is damaged in some way.

Now, what does transmission fluid look like? It has a reddish-brown appearance, and a syrupy consistency. That’s unless it’s burnt — in these cases, it will appear black and tarry. If you see a substance like this under your vehicle, a transmission repair is likely in order.

In this case, something will need to be replaced on your transmission. It could be a gasket, or it could be the entire transmission. Regardless, your local transmission repair shop in Des Plaines, Illinois will be able to make that determination for you.

Looking for a Transmission Repair Shop in in Des Plaines, Illinois?

Have you noticed any of the signs reviewed above? Looking for a transmission repair shop in Des Plaines, Illinois that can diagnose and repair your transmission issue? If so, King Transmission Company has you covered. Regardless of the issue you’re facing, we can provide a solution.

Contact us today to schedule a service.

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